Monday, May 12, 2008

The Great Escape

For those of you who don't know Ethan well, here is a little character background for you. Ethan is very theatrical. He loves to pretend, we can always get him to brush his teeth by pretending his "spider man" toothbrush is calling to him (we use funny voices and all). He is always acting out different parts of his favorite movies or TV shows. Anyway, now that you have a little background let's get to the story. Yesterday, during sacrament meeting I was trying to wrangle both kids, pretty much on my own. Jesse was distracted with last minute study for the sunday school lesson he was giving, Brendan was sleeping, Dad was helping in the library, and Mom is in Brazil. So essentially I felt like I did when Jesse was in Bishopric. Anyway, I noticed Ethan passed me on the bench to the side that was open to the aisle. I was distracted by Avery trying to dive off the bench, and for anything she could get her hands on. I wasn't watching Ethan, he usually doesn't try to be sneaky. So when I turned and didn't see him my first thought was that he was bending down getting a toy that fell, but when I looked further he was gone. I turned around, only to see about 20 people pointing in the direction he had gone, I got up to follow and when I got to the doors leading out to the foyer he wasn't there, I had more people tell me he had actually ran out the doors into the foyer. I went out and found him chatting it up with some fellow nursery friends. I thought that was it, not that funny huh? Now picture this, when I took him to nursery his nursery leaders told me that it was hilarious when he ran out and this is what they saw...Ethan does the army crawl under the benches until he gets to the back, he gets up and takes about five tiptoe steps as if he is sneaking up on someone, he then turns to look at me, notices I am not watching and turns and takes of running. When I heard this version I was laughing so hard, now I know why everyone in the overflow pointed to which way he had gone, they all saw The Great Escape. I just had to share this story. We love our little guy, he makes my life complete. Not a day goes by that I don't laugh about something he did or said. What a joy!

Now I don't want to leave my little princess out, so here's the update on Avery. Yesterday my 10 month old Avery took 2 steps. She has been standing every once in a while on her own for little bits at a time but this is the first time she has taken any steps unassisted. WOW! Ethan walked at 11 months, I think Avery may be a bit sooner. What a competitive little woman. She is my sweet little angel.

By the way Happy Mothers Day to all moms. I am so proud to be a mother, and grateful to have been given the opportunity to raise children of God. What an incredible responsibility, I don't always feel qualified. But I couldn't be more grateful to my Heavenly Father for my children and my wonderful husband.

1 comment:

White Family said...

That story about Ethan was hilarious! Kyle and I were laughing so hard about it. Just picturing little Ethan being all mission impossible like! So funny! Give Avery a big high five for us on the two steps! She's leaps and bounds ahead of her cousin who refuses to get his little keester moving!