Monday, November 10, 2008

Once Upon A Time...

Time for another Ethan moment...

Ethan usually goes to bed pretty easily, meaning without much of a fight. However, he likes to procrastinate however he can. Sometimes it's claiming he's hungry again (after his teeth are brushed, prayers are said, scriptures read, and storytime is over) AHHHH! Sometimes, he just says "Mommy, can you tell me something?" Over and Over again, To which I usually say something like "Do you know what? Pigs can fly!" Which HE thinks is hilarious, and that's what counts. The other night, Ethan asks Jesse, "Daddy, can you tell me something?" So Jesse says sure, "Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His name was Ethan. He was a brave boy...etc.etc." Ethan interupts him, and says, "No, No, No Daddy. I am going to say it." "Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Avery, and she was a good girl. She's a was a going to Sonics, and she eated there. THE END." Every night now, he tells us a new story. I know you all are on the edges of your seats awaiting the next one. Be patient they are coming.

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