Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Getting Warmer...

I just hope it stays that way. I have heard rumors about another "cool" front coming through, but it's almost March it HAS to be getting warmer. The other day seemed like a warm day, so I thought it was time to break out the double jogger, it has been neglected for 4 LONG months. However, once I got the kids in it and ready to go I realized the warmth was deceiving, their was quite a wind chill. Undeterred I grabbed Ethan's "cold blanket" (ie his down comforter), and tucked it around them and we went about 1 1/2 miles! Oh, it felt so good. I don't know if I can be patient much longer! I love jogging outdoors, I LOVE my double jogger, I LOVE warm weather! I LOVE that the kids are "trapped", they only complain when the sun is in their eyes, time to invest in sunglasses!

1 comment:

White Family said...

I'm so jealous that you have a double jogger! I love my jogging stroller so very much I'm going to miss being able to use it after the baby's born. I've been trying to figure out any possible way to prlong its use and I just can't seem to find one that will work with both kids! Sad.