Thursday, March 12, 2009

New "Bigger Boy Bed"

We decided it was time to move Ethan from a toddler bed to a twin. We did this in preparation for the surgery he's having at the end of the month. We wanted there to be enough room for either Jesse or I to lay with him after he's home from the hospital. So far, the new bed has been a big hit! Avery wakes up each morning and goes straight to "brubers" bed and lays in it. Ethan still fights naps, and bedtime, but will lay in it randomly throughout the day just to play around.

Ethan transferring his "stuff" to his new drawers just after Jesse set it up. Jesse could barely keep Avery off of it long enough to put it together.


Melody said...

Oh no! What is Ethan having surgery for?

Lara said...

I didn't know that Ethan was scheduled for surgery. If you need anything please let me know!

p.s. Love the new bed!

White Family said...

It just so happens we're in the market for a big boy bed. I think we're just going to go straight to a twin though instead of a toddler. I've been thinking about getting bunk beds that you can disconnect so they don't have to be bunked and they can be used separately. Hmmm, we'll have to see, I don't know what to do. That's a very cute bed though, I love the drawers. Looks like Avery's hankering for a new big girl bed like "brubbers" too.