Monday, April 6, 2009

"Tinkle Tinkle Star"- Avery's Antics

Avery loves singing, and is quite good (I may be biased). She can pick up on any song after hearing it just a few times. Here is a clip of her singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. (Drum Roll Please)...

Avery is talking so much, and surprises us most of the time with what she understands, and the full sentences she uses. She loves to be held, and has started asking us to pick her up by saying "I hold that mommy?" (or I hold that daddy, or nanna, or papa, or BeBen/Brendan). Who can say no to that!? Nontheless she is spoiled.

She loves to see pictures of herself, and I have a few framed around the house, and she likes to carry them around the house saying "I hold that Avery".

She has also recently learned to count to 10. She likes to try to put Ethan in time out, by calling "Ethan" followed by gibberish, and "time out"...more gibberish "1-2-3-so on".
She loves to wear daddys shoes, and does quite well walking in them.
She recently started taking my broom and riding it like a horse naying and all, I have no idea where she got that from??

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