Saturday, December 26, 2009

Welcome Tyler Steven Conn - Our Christmas Present

Tyler Steven Conn (No Arrowsmith jokes!)
I awoke at 2:00 or so to Cassandra telling me that we needed to go, I couldn't believe it, of all the days it is Christmas. To top it off, I couldn't drive 90 miles an hour and get away with it. We got several inches of snow last night that made me drive 35 miles an hour all the way to the hospital. Luckily most of the stop lights were green so I could just keep going, and even if they were red, they were green yesterday morning.

Due to the birth of Avery, Cassandra needed to have a 'C-section'. The doctor luckily made it just in time to allow that to happen. They did however have to put her to sleep, because the baby was already crowning, and the spinal wasn't working fast enough. Cassandra did lose a lot of blood during the birth because of a blood clot (hematoma), that caused her blood pressure to drop dramatically (50 over 30) post delivery. She had great nurses that acted rapidly that got some fluids going in her with some medicine and she did have a blood transfusion as well. She received two blood transfusions and some medicine in her I.V. that allowed her blood pressure to come back up. It is not where they want it, but she is out of the danger zone. She is feeling better, although sleep is a commodity right now as neither of us have had much sleep the last day and a half.

After I walked Cassandra into the ER yesterday morning, I went to park the car and I got Ethan and Avery out and took them inside with me. Ethan asked, "Did Christmas come?" He obviously didn't see his presents by the Christmas tree when we were leaving. He also was playing great with Avery on Christmas Eve, and Cassandra mentioned to him how great he was playing with his sister. He replied, "Is that the best gift I can give Jesus?" It is great how hard Cassandra has tried to instill in the kids that this time of the year is about the birth of Jesus, and not just Santa bringing them presents.

Now we get to celebrate two births on this very joyous occasion.



Erin said...

Oh my word - what a day for you guys! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Both he and Cassandra look great - wish we were there to help out!:(

The Haas Family said...

Congratulations, Conns! I love those chubby cheeks!!! I'm so glad you are all well. He's precious!