Monday, April 5, 2010

Ethan and Avery's Antics

So I haven't been very good at recording the funny things the kiddos say lately. So I have a few of my favorites that have stuck in my head.

Ethan loves to "teach" Tyler new things. The other day I overheard a conversation Ethan was having with Tyler.

Ethan: Ty I am going to teach you how to play with toys and jump. First you go get a toy and then you play with it, and then when you want another toy you put it away and you can get another toy and play with it. And if you want to just jump!

Ty's Response: (Staring) See picture below!

I thought Ethan was very informative :)

The other day Avery wanted me to get a toy down from a high shelf (where I keep all the toys with lots of parts) for her. She was begging "Mommy, pllleeeaaase can you get it, pllleeeaasse!" I said yes, just a minute. Of course I got busy with something else and forgot. A few minutes later she came back asking, and informed me "I can't get it all myself because I don't have my jumping shoes"

Getting Avery dressed today she informed me "Mommy, I'm Avery!", Me: "Yes, you are", "Yeah mommy, and I am a girl, I just turned into one!" "Oh, you just turned into one huh?!" "Yeah, see look at me!"

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